YouTube is an online vide sharing website. We used YouTube to upload our film and preliminary task once we had finished editing it. YouTube is good as it will enable us to get feedback. Using YouTube is also good as teenagers/young adults are more likely to use YouTube than anyone else, so they are more likely to see our film than anyone else. This is good because it is easier to get feedback from our target audience. We already knew how to use and upload videos to YouTube so we had no problems with this.
Adobe premiere pro cs4
Adobe Premiere Prop CS4 is what we used to edit our film. Because we had used Adobe Premiere Prop before, we were comfortable when using it. We used Premiere Pro to edit the footage together and make it run smoothly. It also allowed us to add opening credits to our film and add sound to in the appropriate places to create tension. Although we had used this software before, I feel that we have all learnt something new and improved our editing skills.
Advantages: -
- Our editing skills improved
- We could create titles and credits easily for our film
- It allowed us to edit our film and make it look more professional
Disadvantages: -
- The exporting took ages and sometimes it froze half way through so we had to start again
- The fonts were very basic
For our horror film, we needed appropriate music to create tension. We heard about the website so we used Freesound because it’s free and also nothing is copyrighted so we could download the sounds and use them legally. Freesound is easy to use and helped us find the sounds that we were looking for. From using Freesound, I learnt how to download sounds. Also, I learnt how to import the sounds onto Premiere Pro.
- It’s free
- It’s not copyrighted
- Most of them were appropriate and relevant which allowed us to have a choice of music to use
- Some of the sounds weren’t always relevant and at times it was hard to find a sound that we needed for a particular part of our film.
Blogger is a blogging side that we used to write up everything. To show our progress during the production of our film, we used Blogger as a place to upload everything to. It helped us share ideas, post pieces of work for others to see our progress. Blogger was easy and simple to use and it helped us keep all of our work organised and well-kept together.
Advantages: -
- It helped us stay organised
- We could share ideas
- It helped us keep up with everything
- Our progress is recorded
- It’s easy and simple to use
Samsung NX100
This is the camera that we used in our production.
- The tripod allowed us to have steady shots which made it a lot easier for us to create a good panning shot
- The shots that we got were in high definition and this improved the quality of our footage. This enabled our film to look more professional.
- The tripod took a long time to set up
- Sometimes when we wanted to film something new, the camera would not record and sometimes it turned off by itself and would not turn back on.
From this, I feel more confident when using cameras and deciding what shot would be appropriate to use. I also feel I have improved my editing skills.